The Sims is a simulation game produced by Electronic Arts and released by Maxis. In this game, you are simulating a real person's life. Everything is “virtualâ€: Cars, pets, houses, people… And everything is usual; bornings, deaths, etc.
Game is passing in Simcity. You can click and see “Simâ€s needs and you can do whatever he/she wants.
The Sims game has got addition packs. In these addition packs, there are new themes, new places, new peoples and new missions.
For example; in Unleashed extension pack, you can have pets and you can feed them etc. Or, in Superstar extension pack, you can be a popstar of the Simcity. This extension pack gives you a town which includes SPAs and fitness centers etc.
The Sims is a legend game which's an inspirer to too many games.
You must play this game at least once in your life. (: